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WTF is This? Working Parent Group

  • Austin Doula Care 8500 Shoal Creek, Bldg 4 #107 Austin, TX, 78759 United States (map)

When you return back to work, that doesn't mean you're done needing support. The transition to parenthood isn’t over and is stillfull of ups and downs and a lot of questions. Come as you are, pajamas, messy hair, and spit up stains are welcome! We provide the coffee, tea, and snacks; you come and have a space to share your mess knowing we will be the container for it.

Join us one Saturday a month for camaraderie and community. Bring your babies or leave them home, we are here for you.

Perfect for parents in their first 2 years postpartum.

Earlier Event: October 21
Single & Choice Parent Happy Hour
Later Event: October 23
Doula Mentorship Group