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Are you ready to take the next step in your doula business?

  • Feeling burned out from being on call 24/7?

  • Super long births exhausting you?

  • Do you want to be off-call and still earn income?

  • Are you looking for a way to make the work you love more sustainable?

  • What if we told you we have the answers to all of this and more?

Your Doula Partnership will show you the way to create the business and life of your dreams

This course is your roadmap to success

  • Learn how to find your Doula Soulmate, that partner who aligns with your vision of service

  • Create a day to day partnership model that works

  • Learn clear, effective methods of sharing all the gritty admin duties

  • Gain insight into sustainable profit sharing methods

  • How to present the partnership model to clients and not sacrifice personalized attention

  • Legal and accounting: avoid common, but costly mistakes

bonus content: Your Doula Partnership Workbook. Create an aligned vision with your partner plus downloadable business documents to make start up a breeze!


Your Guides

Doulas are called into this work with a fiery passion that gives us the energy to withstand long births, nights away from our families, and endless call with minimal down time. Doulas also have a high burnout rate and we owe it to our communities to create a sustainable model that not only supports clients but ourselves.
Austin Doula Care was founded by your course guides, Kim and Chelsea. We’ve created a beautiful successful business model that serves both us and our clients. We take vacations. We take full weekends off call. Our clients are happy and nourished by the Austin Doula Care partnership model. We want you to have the same fulfilling work life balance that we enjoy.
This course was created with the vision of helping doulas create sustainability while not sacrificing the core foundations of what it means to be a doula. We want to share our hard earned lessons and make building your partnership model easy and free of commonly made mistakes. Join us today to unlock the secrets to a balanced happy doula career.